So yesterday, I came across the story on Primark and their selling of the "Padded Bikini bra" for 7year old girls and I can totally understand why this has been turned into such a BIG issue. I'm glad though that Primark has managed cooperate and has officially pulled the line from sale. However, it still doesn't excuse the fact that they made these garments in the first place and I feel that it was irresponsible and there was a clear lack of judgement in this whole matter. Channel 4 News' Jon Snow interviewed the Co-founder of Mumsnet, Carrie Longton who said that "...this overt sexualisation of young girls is quiet wrong" and that Mumsnet weren't trying to be killjoys but it was about"...retailers taking responsibility" and I don't blame her.
We are in a day and age where fashion and trends have managed to trickle their way deeply down into mainstream where even children nowadays are dressing up even more stylishly and grown-up than ever before. But at the same time, it is something that I think parents shouldn't let cloud their judgement when it comes to dressing their children and just because the retailer has made the mistake of putting it into their store doesn't mean they should by it. At the end of the day, children should be allowed to experience their childhood and there is absolutely nothing wrong with making them look fashionable or letting them wear a bikini - but sexualising them by making them wear "padded bikini' tops is where the issue lies and the line should be drawn there. It is an all wrong and complete delicate and dangerous matter all together - If the child does not have breasts, give them room to enjoy their childhood and develop their bodies in their own time!
*Mumsnet has now launched a campaign called 'LET GIRLS BE GIRLS' that allows retailers to sign on in support of their cause against provative clothing (and instruments i.e the Kiddie pole dancing kit and Playboy pencil case and notepad) for young children.