Interesting styling in 'Hers on Him' by Contributor magazine. I can't help but imagine just how very different and better these looks would have been had they been on a girl. Just goes to show that dresses (especially) are for women and It really is supposed to stay that way. I've heard alot of women comment in envy for men that they have more and simpler options when it comes to clothing - but what's the fun in that? Women are obviously spoilt for choice when it comes down to what to wear and we can even pull-off men's garments easier and sometimes even better than they themselves can. Too bad It can never truly be quite be the same for guys when it comes to cross-dressing - however, I do admire this shoot for being quite ballsy and upfront. The message I'm getting....'If women can wear men's clothes, why can't men do the same?' Why is it so hard for women or society to picture men in women's clothes and if men had the option would they openly and gladly jump to it? It is a very difficult and baffling subject-matter but a truly thought-provoking one indeed. I would have loved this shoot even more it had shown the same outfit/s with the guys and the girls alongside each-other for a more direct visual compare and contrast. What do you think?