Before x-mas, the most I really went shopping for was x-mas presents. I thought I'd leave my shopping for the New Year sales. Welcome 2008, I was really excited, been out-and-about a few times and managed to pick me up a few goodiies too. But, what I really can't stand is the trying to get round people on the streets, in the shops and everywere else plus, the clues are too long in the fitting rooms and to get to the tills. My patience has been tested enough and I am finally glad to say that "I am not a sale person!". I like taking my time at things and not being rushed because I think somebody is going to buy my size. Shopping is supposed to be fun and exciting, not a chore!
People have different view and ideas of what their ideal shopping experiences should be like but for me, big city sale time just does't do it. What I have noticed though is that out-of-town sales tend to be ok. Maybe Bluewater shopping Centre in the early hours before it's too busy, Bicester Village, Lake Side or in the smaller towns.
Whats your view? Let me know! xoxo Fashion Somebody