A lil' bit of winter drama...

DKNY A/W08-09

I’ve never been one to like paisley because everytime I saw it, it instantly made me think ‘old lady-like’. Seeing how it has recently been re-vamped on the ready-to-wear catwalks of this A/W’08, I’ve had to think again. I was really taken by DKNY’S approach to the paisley print and she made it very young, cutesy and flirty. Paisley has surely never been more fun and stylish. Appearing also at Gucci, Dolce and Gabbana and Hermes, it only showed that you can have a bit of drama without looking overly dramatic in paisley. Having hints of paisley is one great way to style it; like a scarf or a two-piece. Maybe a paisley top with a skirt to match one of the colours on the print is the easiest and smartest way to go about it. A very dangerous trend though paisley is because it doesn’t take a lot to look messy, so I’d definitely keep accessory’s to a minimum and don’t go too matchy-matchy. A plain bold background definitely puts the print to the centre stage and then maybe throw on a skinny leather belt which is just the perfect final touch for the autumn/winter shades which are very bold and rich. Whatever you do, just remember that when it comes to this tricky trend, less is more. You just can't afford to go wrong.